General Election guidance

Yesterday the Prime Minister called a General Election for Thursday, 4 July 2024. The pre-election period will begin on 00.01 on Saturday 25 May, and from this time we must follow the Cabinet Office General Election 2024 guidance.

There are a number of implications for government communications during the pre-election period and all communication activity should be conducted in line with the General Election Guidance and Government Communication Service propriety and Social Media Guidance. This guidance applies to all UK civil servants, and the board members and staff of Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) and other arms’ length bodies.

The general principle for government communication activities during a general election is to do everything possible to avoid competition with parliamentary candidates for the attention of the public. This means that most government communication activity stops, except where it is essential and necessary to ensure the continued smooth functioning of government and public services.

If you have any questions please refer in the first instance to your line manager who will consult your Director of Communication.