Work part-time or flexibly?

Join our Government Communication Service (GCS) event!

Sign up for our next GCS member’s network event for those working part-time or flexible hours on Tuesday 11 February 12pm, in London, to discuss part-time working with our panel, and meet colleagues from across GCS. If you cannot attend the event in person you can watch via live stream; to get the link, email:

If you are interested in joining our GCS member’s network on Basecamp, just email me (Sara Vogt) your details (with ‘part-time network’ in your subject header). Also, get in touch if there are particular topics you’d like us to cover during the event.

Please note this event is only open to GCS members.

I’ve worked a number of different working patterns since my daughter (she’s now eight) was born – at the Home Office, Cabinet Office, and DECC across campaigns, strategic communications and internal communications – I’ve worked three days, jobshare, four days and compressed, and found different benefits – and challenges – with each.

I’m currently at the Ministry of Justice where there is a big emphasis on flexible working right across the organisation, which I love. I think it’s so important to have opportunities to meet and chat with others to share best practice and work out how to find solutions to things that aren’t working. At our event, from 1200 to 1300, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from GCS colleagues who work part-time or flexibly, and ask any questions you have –whether you’re looking to move to part-time, or job-sharing; interested in how you go for promotional opportunities; or how to get the work-life balance that works for you and your organisation.

Our panel will include:

  • Emily Tofield, Director of Communications at the Ministry of Justice;
  • Tom Miles (Internal Communications, Department for Transport);
  • Tess Tinker (Strategic Communications and Campaigns, Department for Education);
  • Amie Whittle (Campaigns, Home Office)
  • Catherine Worswick (Ministry of Justice)

They will be sharing insights from research she’s done into job-sharing working in GCS. If you have filming/video-editing skills and would like to help Catherine create a short video to present the results at the event do contact me and I’ll put you in touch.

If you’re interested specifically in job-sharing, do stay on from 1300 to 1400, when we’ll be breaking out into groups, with the opportunity for those who job-share or want to, to meet and chat with others. Your children are welcome to join this part of the event.

Hope you can join us!
Sara Vogt

Sara Vogt (@_SaraVogt) is Deputy Director, Corporate Communications at Ministry of Justice.