New Members’ Guide

UK Government coat of arms with the words: Welcome to the Government Communication Service. There are 4 pictures of people, media and the UK Government.

A Warm Welcome to GCS New Members

We are delighted to welcome you to the Communications Profession. Here we set out the important resources or activities that will help you make a confident start to your career within the Government Communication Service (GCS).

The materials are set out in manageable chunks to give you flexibility and to help you prioritise your time – we know that if you are new to the Civil Service, or new to your organisation, you will have departmental/ALB and Civil Service induction activities too.

Most importantly, you should complete your induction, including the core learning (see week 4) within your first three months.

In addition to the resources highlighted within this guide, there are lots of other useful articles and publications hosted on the GCS website and GCS Connect with loads more being added every week, so please do continue to access these throughout your career to stay up-to-date, informed and connected.

Enjoy learning about your profession and getting actively involved!