Catch up now: GCS Monthly Meet-up with Simon Baugh

Last Thursday, over 1,000 of you joined Simon Baugh for his first GCS Monthly Meet-Up as the new Chief Executive for GCS. You can now watch the recording, and see Simon starting to lay out his vision for GCS and its members.

Facilitator Raziye Naqvi kept the questions flowing, covering topics from location hubs, the Reshaping GCS programme, why he wanted the top job and the all-important question – what series he’s currently binge-watching (not Squid Game!).

With over 250 questions asked on, Simon covered as much ground as he could. Look out for an article summarising answers to some of the questions he didn’t manage to get to.

If you haven’t already, read Simon’s first blog and the Tips for Resilience webinar, he mentioned on the call. Please get in touch with your development advisor to access the password for the webinar.

GCS Monthly Meet-up video October 2021 (member access)