GCS launches the 2023/24 UK Government Communication Plan

Today we’ve published the 2023/24 UK Government Communication Plan. You can find it here: https://communication-plan.gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/.

The plan sets out the areas where we as communicators can support the effective delivery of government priorities and public services in the year ahead. We hope it provides helpful direction over the coming year, so please take time to read the plan. We all have a role to play to help deliver it through coordinated, impactful campaigns that make a difference to people across the UK and overseas.

The plan gives us a really clear set of priorities based on the Prime Minister’s 5 promises and plans to build a better future. This year’s plan outlines 8 key themes for government communications and campaigns:

  1. The economy
  2. Cutting waiting lists and supporting our NHS
  3. Stop the boats
  4. Stronger communities
  5. Supporting families
  6. Communicating internationally
  7. Public sector recruitment
  8. Public services

Under each theme, we have set out key performance indicators outlining how the success of major campaigns will be measured.

This week’s GCS call (Thursday 13 April, 3.45 – 4.15pm) for GCS members, will cover the plan’s publication in more detail – please join to find out more about how you can use the plan over the next year.

We also welcome your thoughts on the plan via this 2 minute survey, so we can ensure that next year’s is even better!