Insight takes information and data beyond ‘interesting’ – it drives thinking and guides action.
On this page:
Use insight to make communication effective
Understanding audiences and the behavioural context is essential for effective communications. By finding out more about audiences’ behaviours, intentions, attitudes and communication preferences, insight can help to make sure government communications are as relevant, meaningful and impactful as possible.
Our aim is to use insight across the Government Communication Service (GCS) to make government communications as effective as possible by:
- building an evidence base of what techniques we know work best with different audiences
- sharing knowledge about our audiences across different government organisations
- replicating communication approaches that are most effective for our audiences across different campaigns
- better scheduling of communications with audiences throughout the year to help avoid duplication
- saving money by commissioning fewer, cross-cutting studies to understand audience habits
Insight Framework

The Insight Framework will help you:
- understand how audiences relate to each other
- build a rounded picture of your audience
- defines and really matters to them
Data science community
If you work in the public sector and are a data scientist, or have an interest in data science, you are welcome to join.
Market Research Society (MRS)
The Market Research Society (MRS) is offering core members of the GCS the opportunity to join the Society as a member at a discount for the first year; gaining professional recognition, career and business development and many other benefits.
Join the largest community of research, insight, analytics and marketing sciences professionals. MRS membership is made up of the best and brightest individuals across the research, insight, analytics and marketing sciences sector.
As an MRS member, you will benefit from our industry-leading products and services. You receive a passport to respected development programmes, inspiring conferences and empowering networks. Our awards are the most prized in the business and our publications the most widely read. We help you to grow, connect and understand.
MRS is for all those who need or are interested in the development, generation or interpretation of evidence to support commercial or public policy decisions.
Reduced core membership rate for GCS (1st year only)
- Member: £81 (the usual price is £42 join fee and £162 membership fee – a total of £204 )
- Annual renewals are £162 (no VAT)
How to apply for membership
To join as a MRS member, download and complete the Member application form available on the Membership section of the MRS website, quoting ref: GCS1019.
Read the MRS membership terms and conditions.
Contact the Cabinet Office insight team,, who can:
- help commission audience research for new government campaigns
- monitor important trends across the communications industry that impact upon our work
- help to share best practices on current audience insight across the GCS profession